Another MTM built using Peerless drivers

Just in case some of you feel that I am some sort of lone ranger who seems to find magical access to these Peerless India drivers and made the Asawari, I will dispel such notions. Here is a photo of another pair of speakers, built using the same Kevlar midbass drivers and the Peerless India SR10DT tweeter, by a veteran designer and dear friend. I will not name him because he's not given me permission to put up this photo. He built this pair more than a year after my Asawari, and needless to say, it has a different crossover altogether since the tweeter is different and the overall speaker is tuned differently. He's very happy with the sound.

This enclosure has curved sides and a granite stone top. Clicking on the small image will take you to a large image which is sufficiently detailed to let you see what the drivers look like. I have neither seen nor heard these speakers, unfortunately, but it's evident that they look far better than the Asawari.

The drivers are freely available with Dev Elec. If you have the energy and brains, then you can build things like this, sitting in India without importing a single item.

next: photos of the 8-in driver

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